Liturgical Ministries
Altar Servers – Lynn Vicente & Chad Luettel
Altar Servers provide an important liturgical function by assisting the clergy before, during, and after the liturgy, and serving as prayer leaders for the congregation. Mature boys and girls who have received their 1st Holy Communion are eligible and must attend one training session and complete a mentoring process prior to beginning their ministry.
Arts & Environment – Cassandra Goodwyn
Volunteers ensure that the church is decorated each week according to the season and celebrations of the Church calendar. Volunteers are needed to help water and maintain green plants and alter arrangements each week and to help decorate the Church for Christmas and Easter. “Many hands make light work”. All individuals, groups and families are invited to participate.
Extraordinary Ministers of the Holy Eucharist – Deacon Brown
This lay ministry distributes the Blessed Sacrament to our assemblies and prepares the Sacred Vessels prior to Mass as well as washes, dries, and puts away vessels after Mass. All individuals who are confirmed and at least 16 years of age are invited to participate in this ministry.
Readers – Joe Bousquet & Mark Litkowski
Proclaiming the Word of God has always been a fundamental part of the Catholic Liturgy. Lectors read the parish announcements, the scripture, and the Prayers of the Faithful from the pulpit. They are provided with a Gospel Workbook and are asked to prepare for their assigned reading prior to Mass. All individuals who are confirmed are invited to participate in this ministry.
Sacristan – Kay Killian
Volunteers collect and carefully wash purificators and other linens used for Mass each week. Purificators are the linens used to cleanse the chalice between and after use by communicants. Because the purificator comes into contact with the Blessed Sacrament it is treated with appropriate reverence. It is an encounter of holiness in the ordinary, where work becomes prayer and prayer springs from work. This is a ministry that appeals to the detail oriented person who enjoys working “behind the scenes.” Ideally the commitment would be once a month or less. All are invited to participate in this ministry.
Ushers – Ken Brink
Ushers and Junior Ushers (Fifth grade and older) serve the parish community by greeting people as they arrive, escorting people to their seats, gathering and securing the collection, assisting in taking gifts to the altar, guiding the flow of communicants as they approach the Eucharistic Ministers and handing out bulletins at the conclusion of Sunday Mass. All individuals are invited to participate in this ministry.