Welcome to Christ the King Catholic Church

Our Mission is to seek to be Disciples of Jesus Christ by faithfully celebrating the Liturgy, witnessing and proclaiming the Gospel, nurturing family life and making the teachings of Jesus Christ central to our lives.
Our Purpose is to live God’s words, united in faith, recognizing our individual talents and gifts, and radiating the light of Christ into our parish, community and world.
Our Commitment is to assist our brothers and sisters with the unselfish love of Jesus Himself and provide opportunities for ongoing Christian formation for all ages and to promote religious education through CTK School and Parish.
Our Goal as a parish community is to bring the saving grace of Jesus Christ into all our environments.
Our Parish Prays: “To be a vibrant and growing family of God to which everyone is welcome and has the opportunity to pray and to serve.”
Celebrate your FAITH … Renew your SPIRIT … Come and Share our JOY! At Christ the King, the emphasis is on unconditional love and acceptance for members of the congregation and for members of the community.
Visit us and discover the boundless opportunities for personal and spiritual growth; grounded in the Mass, Sacraments, Teachings of the Church and Scripture along with meaningful ways to make a real difference in your community. You’ll be greeted with genuine warmth and embraced by a supportive extended family. All are Welcome!