Welcome to Christ the King Catholic Church
You are warmly welcomed to our vibrant family of Christ the King Catholic Church, Norfolk. Our vision is to always be a vibrant and growing family of God, that welcomes and gives an opportunity to everyone to pray and to serve.
Briefly, our mission is to be active disciples of Jesus Christ. And our goal is to bring the saving grace of Jesus into all our environments. Like Christ our King, our family welcomes both saints and sinners of any culture.
Parking for our church is available at the school or curbside on Columbia Avenue. Drop-offs can be done via the circular driveway by the church entrance. Wheelchairs and walking sticks are available if needed – just ask an usher.
Visitors and those new to the area who wish to join the parish can pick up registration forms from the round table in the Church Commons. For more information read our bulletin, contact the church office, or ask one of the ushers.

Mass Schedule
Our weekend Masses are as follows:
Saturday Vigil 5:30 PM
Sunday 8:30 AM & 11:00 AM (live-streamed)
Weekday Masses are Tuesday through Saturday at 8:30 AM.
Upcoming Feast Day Masses are announced in the bulletin, on our Facebook page and on this website.
Reconciliation is offered every Saturday 3:30 – 5:00 PM and by appointment.

Scan for Worship Aide

Common Mass Practices at Christ the King
The order of the Mass is available online by using the posted QR code. This includes the Readings as well as the hymn selections for Sunday and Feast Day Masses. This information is also on the hymn boards on either side at the front of the Sanctuary. There are Mass cards and hymnals in the pews for your use.
Children’s Liturgy of the Word is offered during the 11:00 AM Mass. All children between the ages of 3 and 7 are invited to participate.
Seating is provided in the Commons for parents who may need to soothe a crying child during Mass.
Phones should be silenced before entering the sanctuary (the main Church) so that we keep a prayerful atmosphere in honor of the Lord.
Restrooms are the last two doors on the left at the end of the hallway. There is a changing table in the ladies’ room for infants and toddlers.
Face tissues and hand sanitizer are available on the tables in the Commons.